Christmas Eve Eve Holiday Roundup
(AHH - Xmas Holiday's Throwing Me For A Loop!)
Hey guys! So, it's been almost a week since I have updated da blog, and that in itself is extremely miz. I have been super busy as I'm sure everyone has been during this holiday season, so as the big day approaches (YAY Xmas!), I thought I'd catch everyone up with what is going in the fabulous world of entertainment. SO, here's the Xmas Eve Eve Holiday Round Up.
Mila and Ashton - Take 2.
AH, yes, Hollywood's coolest couple (and by cool I mean the chillest), have recently done yet another chill and cool thaang by casually attending a University of Iowa vs. Penn State wrestling match just a few days ago. AW. Now, that's love. Mila joined Ashton to watch his former college team on Dec 21st. The two played it cool as they cheered for Iowa wearing casual navy blue clothing. The couple was supposedly friendly with the audience and Ashton even made the move and talked to the coach after the game. Ashton previously attended the University of Iowa before bursting on the big screen as a model and actor. Just a few weeks before this date, Ashton attended Mila's brother's wedding as her fancy tuxed out date while Mila played the role of bridesmaid. Fun, fun. Personally, I was a big fan of the two on That 70's, like I'm down if there are wedding bells in the future. Though of course, my favorite couple of the moment will always be Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis - if we're talking about what it means to be the ultimate chill and cool couple that is.
Miley Adores...Herself....
Well, 2013 has clearly been a year for Miley. Girl, changed her apperance faster that Hannah Montan
a could change her wig. She shocked and entertained us and even if you're not about her new style...hatin' just made the girl even more famous and even MORE money. Though I gotta say, even though Miley went all Badgirl RiRi on us all of a sudden, "Bangerz" is great. I mean, I love it. And I love the "new" Milezz, but now she has apparently gone a little too far?...and you thought "Wrecking Ball" was risque. Ha. Miley recently released a little sneak preview of her new video for "Adore You." And while you're still NOT over naked Miley on a wrecking, now you can watch Miley's version of her own sex tape - I mean music video where she um...touches herself? Nope. I am NOT making a funny joke reference to the 80's one hit wonder song. The video leak was released this past weekend and the official video for the song comes out Dec. 26th. Can't wait for another classic sex tape music vid. Great Xmas present to all of us Miley, thanks girl.
Click here to view da video teaser.
Gabby and D-Wade Got It Made.

I guess the Holiday season not only brings cheer, but it also brings wedding bliss. Yes, yes. After four years of dating and being the best looking couple at all the BET Awards (obv the times when Bey and Jay couldn't be there...), Miami Heat all-star player, Dwayne Wade popped the questions to Gabrielle Union last Saturday. YAY engagement rings. Reportedly, Wade had been planning the proposal to his girl for months and finally decided to ask his long - time GF. I mean, this is why December is da best month, not only is it my birthday, but it's Christmas, and holiday cheer fills the air and people get engaged. It truly is the most wonderful time of the I understand why stores like Tiffany's and Cartier make 40% of their profitable sales this time of year. Oh, yeah. #Cha-ching. Money bag and diamond emojis all around. OH, so obv - you wanna see the da ring. Union posted this fun photo on her instagram with the caption: "SOOO this happened. #YESS." I MEAN clearly Gabby and I would be best friends after that great witty insta caption. She's gorgeous, she's got da ring, I love her. Merry Xmas to them!
View the $1 million wedding bling here.
On A More Somber Note....Fast 7's Release Date Announced.
Actor and close friend to Paul Walker, Vin Diesel announced via Facebook yesterday that, though there was the delay of filming the Fast 7 film due to the sudden death of Paul Walker, the movie is scheduled to continuing filming and is planned to be released April 10th, of 2015. The release date for the film was originally supposed to bet set for July of 2014, but seeing as though significant changes are to be made, and the shut down of production, the film release date was pushed back.
Vin's emotional words in his FB annoucment:
The last scene we filmed together…
There was a unique sense of completion, of pride we shared… in the film we were now completing… the magic captured… and, in just how far we’ve come…
Fast and Furious 7 will be released…
April 10th 2015!
P.s. He’d want you to know first…