Everybody - STOP What You're Doing THIS INSTANT...I mean I know I did...Queen BEY and JAY Are Touring Togethaa ALL Summer!! Eeeek!! I CANT...
I can't...
HOLY F#@Kinggg S@!TTTT I CANT. Can you?! NO. You can't. You liiiterally can't deal because I literally can't deal. I'm freaking ouuut. BUGGING OUT really. Like, I am so excited. This is going to be better than Beyonce performing at Made In America (even though that was also SO amazing, like I'm pretty sure I cried...). ANYWAYS - the deets: The Queen and King of Hip Hop are planning on going on a 20 - stadium tour across the US this summer possibly beginning sometime in late June.
LIIIIITTT !! Are tickets on sale like now?!
Though we know that the unstoppable billion dollar $$$ (ching, ching) couple, have made a few songs togethhaa (we are all currently dyinnng over Drunk In Love...like still...) this would be the couples first official tour together. Like, officially together.
Can I just say, I'm SUPER jealous of Blue Ivy, like even more now. It's like, oh what do your parents do? UMM run the worrrrldd and go on tour together and KILL IT. What do your parents do?! OH, your dad is an accountant? HA. MIZ. See ya. Blue Ivy wins. And she's gonna keep winning. Sorry, North West, but until Kim gets a talent...Blue is le baby on da block.
gif via Pop Sugar.
The couple recently just killed it at Coachella and now, they're ready to do it again. It's like wheeeen do they stop?! #MeAndMyGirlfriend #CrazyInLove #DrunkInLove #DejaVu...EVERYTHING.
If you're NOT drunk in love with Bey and Jay right now...then you have issues. Count down til JUNE letzz go!
I mean, I'm drunk in love, crazy in love...all of the above...