Sure, Put Kimye On The Cover Of Vogue, But Like Who's Next? The Rich Kids Of Beverly Hills?!! I mean...If Reality TV Stars Is What Vogue Is Going For Now...#Miz
Okay, so everyone had pretty aggressive reactions to the Kim and Kanye Vogue cover yesterday, even Anna Wintour herself. Anna tried to calm the storm of Vogue cover haters by expression how she came about the now infamous cover, and how she is actually a huge fan of Kimye. (HA, okay.)
"You may have read that Kanye begged me to put his fiancée on Vogue‘s cover...He did nothing of the sort." - Anna W.
Yeah, yeah. Suuure, sure. Though apparently the mag sold out, the reactions where majority backlash city. The rest of us took to twitter to exclaim how we felt personally victimized by Vogue. Here are some of the fab tweets the mag's cover received:
Let's be real. That Vogue cover was like a slap in the face to anyone who believes in Vogue's legacy and what makes Vogue, Vogue. I mean, hello, its called the fashion Bible for a reason. You can't just throw anyone of the cover of the Bible. I mean, I'm sure God is pretty livid. He gets it.
Celebs grace the cover of mags like Cosmo, Seventeen, or Elle, which are all amazing publications of course, but to be on the cover of Vogue, it's not only just a huge honor, and something that is only bestowed upon the best of the best, but it is a recognition of your great contribution to the public world.
“Part of the pleasure of editing Vogue, one that lies in a long tradition of this magazine, is being able to feature those who define the culture at any given moment, who stir things up, whose presence in the world shapes the way it looks and influences the way we see it. I think we can all agree on the fact that that role is currently being played byKim and Kanye to a T" - Anna W.
UM HOLD UP. I'm sorry, but have Kimye shaped the way we look at the world and influence how we see it?!! What exactly has Kim and Kanye's contribution to the world been? NOTHING. ZIP, zero. AAND that's where I lose credit for Anna.
So, what do you think - because of this mag cover, has Vogue lost it's credibility in your eyes? Has the magazine that was once reserved for the exclusivity of the fashion elite, and the quote and quote A-lister's of Hollywood and fashion, now become downsized?
I think this cover basically sends the message that as long as you have the right connections, have a lot of money, are famous for SOMETHING, whether you have pure talent or NOT, and just basque in the realm of eliteness, you can be on the cover of Vogue. It also sends the message to young girls that you don't really need to work hard, if you can make a sex tape, get a reality TV show, marry a rapper, then you are a SHOE-IN for Vogue. If you are famous, you can essentially have everything you want at a drop of a hat...aka, being on the cover of one of the most prestigious magazines in the world for NO reason at all, but the fact that you're famous for being famous, which also translates into famous for nothing, means you are Vogue material. That's it really. To me, the mag has lost its exclusive, allure along with all of it's meaning. So, if now, anyone can be on the cover of Vogue? Is it my turn yet?
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