Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Bachelor Finale RECAP!!

Bachelor Finale RECAP!!  Congrats Jojo!! (And Oh yeah, Ben and Lauren too...I guess LOL) 

Another Bachelor bites the dust. 

Welp, it's official...last night Ben "found love." Yeah. Ben Higgins is NO longer single ladies. In fact, he's ready to marry Lauren RIGHT NOW. So, much so that Ben's Indiana pastor came to the "After the Final Rose" show to see if they couple were super ready. BUT don't worry, I won't get ahead of myself. Let's just take a look back on the whoooole damn episode. YAY! 

First thing's first: I love Ben's parents. Like, #TeamBensDad for days. 

Not only does Ben's dad have this hot politician vibe going on, which is like SO real, he also basically sensed that Lauren B was TOO perfect which I was totally jiving with. 

Lauren: “I think Ben is the most incredible person I’ve met.” 
Ben's dad: “Well, Thank you.” – Ben’s Dad is basically saying to Lauren - Thanks for saying that I made a beautiful human being and that I’m also so beautiful. 

But he's also thinking, which he told Ben - what else IS there to Lauren?! No one can act that perfect all the time. It's not normal, like sorry bye. 

Ben's dad: "I think you're in a unique situation." LOL. Thanks Ben's dad. 

THEEN you have Ben's mom who is like so practical and is kinda likeee I hate both girls for BEN lol. I mean, SAME. 

But, I did love that Ben's mom seemed to love Jojo more than Lauren….

She loved that Jojo knows that Ben is “hard on himself” and Ben's mom was like so into that. SAME. 

And then Jojo started crying to his parents and we were all like DAMN GINA. You get those emotions. 

So, after the parental meetings, Ben's parents said that while both girls would obv DIE to be engaged to Ben, Ben's dad pointed out that Jojo, being the smarter one obv, asked been the RIGHT question to his face. That question being...

“So a proposal something that you're ready to do?” GET IT Jojo. #Smarts. 

Ben’s dad even SAID “Jojo went there and asked the important questions before I did…” YEAH SHE DID cause she's smart. Duh. 


Well, I got excited because Ben totally realized that Lauren was def a goodie goodie and that maybe things “were too perfect too soon" after taking to his dad. (#TeamBensDad). 

I mean, when Lauren actually wears make up...


I mean, I would vote yes. Although Lauren is NO where near as bad as Calia, at least Jojo is REAL and has emotions, and issues, and asks questions. Lauren is all sunshine and Marina del Rey smiles and its like umm NOO buddy that’s not real. Sorry. 

The Last Date. 

Lauren is all nervous cause Ben “is not being Ben” as she put it, so she is ready to make her last impression and to do that - she decides to wear this BORING black square neck dress that EVERYONE has. AKA NOTHING that stands out…because she has no real personality. It’s fine. Whatever. 

And she tries to convince Ben, who is having doubts about her, that she is the right person because she has “never been more sure about anything in [her] life.” OKAY. 

But Lauren crying was great…not in a mean way, but we have never really seen her show a lot of emotional rage. SO, the crying showed that she literally was gonna be MIZ without Ben. And I mean…I would be too. He’s great. 

Side note: SO Awk that Chris Harrison had BOTH families at the live Tell All watching the show...WHY?! Ugh. But, funny that Jojo's brothers were not there. LOL. #Readyforlove. 

Jojo's Last Date. 

Sooo Jojo and Ben in the waterfall was everything. I love Jojo. Mainly because we both have the same neon bikini but likeeeee she’s also A REAL FREAKING PERSON. 

Neon bikini game strong. 

Plus, Jojo asked the REAL questions. She was like: "HEY Ben, this isn’t gonna be easy – like I'll be in Dallas you’ll be wherever… how are we gonna do this?"

LIKE IDK but real people ASK those questions! 

Jojo's most miz quote though - “I hope I don’t end up looking like a fool…” I mean YEAH, but after being on this show…you're gonna end up looking like sumthin.

On the evening of Jojo's last date, the girl looked FAB. I mean she also wore black but she SLAYED in that plunge, black romper. Take note Lauren. 

THEN the  highly anticipated bathroom scene happened. And that was pretty rough. But I mean at least the guy was being honest. It was no longer a big secret. Like he LOVES them both! #Yikes. 

Bach perks or Bach problems? I'll let you decide. 

SOOOO all in all: Lauren cried and Jojo REALLY cried. These betches love Ben. And I mean for Jojo, sure, she didn’t get that “sign” that she wanted. So, that’s miz. 


“In a few minutes…a woman I love is going to arrive here and I’m going to break her heart.” - Ben. LOL. Jesus that sucks.

Ahh the final rose was upon us last night. The two women got all dolled up for the BIG proposal (or I mean dolled up for nothing if you're the loser) into fab gowns and went off in da heli to meet Ben.

BUT per usual, Lauren looks SO blasé. Like SO boring. That simple, boring, blue dress was just too boring and simple. Is that her idea of getting dolled up? I think I get more dressed up going to class during the week. LOL. Just saying. But honestly, Lauren's dress has to be one of the most boring and worst dresses I’ve seen in a bachelor finale - or has Chris would say - in Bachelor history. 

Like, she could wear this dress to flight attend! Lol. 

Then Jojo comes out of her room looking BANGING in a pale pink, sequin gown. And I gotta say, that pink dress could have very well looked like a bad prom dress, but Jojo ROCKED it. And she looked fab. 

Sorry, Lauren you honestly have no style. Ugh. 

And the 3 carat Neil Lane ring goes too...

MEHH. So, Ben gets rid of Jojo which we all figured, but she handles it faaaaairly well. Like, we’ve all seen worse. But we also know that Jojo deserves better. #TeamBachelorette.

Even in the midst of the break up, Jojo is still so legit when she says: “I wanna hate him but I was getting my heart broken and I didn’t want to see him cry.” WAHHH. Amaze. But, like you still deserve better.

SO OBV Ben picks Lauren and yada yada yada. Whatever, they’re prefect for each other. 
Like such a boring couple – YAY! 

AND ALSO Lauren and Ben's hair cant handle the heat – frizz city. But Jojo's hair ALWAYS looked great. So, by default - Jojo wins. 

When the hair game is strong. 

(But cute that Ben called Lauren’s dad though. Not gonna lie, I got a little emotional. It’s fine).

So after a loooong season of 'raining Ben,' all I have to say is if Ben and Lauren DON’T stay together…like NO. Like you don't get rid of Jojo to NOT stay with Lauren for the rest of your 
life. LOL. 

How much you wanna bet that this is the pic they use for engagement photos?

Jen and Ben are talking again?! 

Side note: Jojo looked BANGING AGAIN last night to confront Ben after being dumped on the "After the Final Rose" show. Like could you see Ben re-thinking things in his mind? 

But congrats to Jojo for being the new Bachelorette!! WHOOHOO! The girl deserves to find a REAL maucho, awesome man. GET IT GURL. I’ll be watching. 

Jojo...you are my person.