QUICK - Someone Marry Justin!! How Would You Feel If Justin Beiber Got Deported? #Yikes (#OhWaitHe'sCanadian...Right...)
Nice digs J Bieb. |
On Jan. 14th, the Monday after the big Globes celebration in Hollywood, something else was going down in the city angels. That morning, Justin Beiber's Calabasas home was raided by the cops with a search warrant and errrything. Super CSI, SVU status. Now why you ask? Justin, along with a bunch of other crazy thaangs he has done lately, is the lead suspect in the vandalism aka egging of his neighbor's home. Soo, now you're prob thinking what were the police searching for - eggs? HA...I mean i thought that too, but they police were trying to find any type of surveillance footage they could find, yet while they were at the Bieber home, instead of footage or eggs, they found some good ole fashion drugs leading to the arrest of Justin's good friend and apparently rapper, Lil Za....(who? Ya, I don't know him either). Lil' Za was arrested for possession of narcotics according to Hollywoodlife.com and apparently cocaine, according to E! News. #yikes. As of now, Justin is guilt free and claims to have nothing to do with the egging of his neighbors house, although this neighbor is clearly out to get Justin for in the past the neighbor has called the cops on him for his loud partying and crazy driving through out the neighborhood. Sounds like Justin has got an enemy. But if Justin is convicted for this vandalism crime, there is the slight chance of his deportation - why? Well, we all forget that Just is NOT an American citizen. LOL. He's Canadian sooo likeee there is the chance that the court could send him away. How sad. How would you feel if Justin was sent back to his motherland? Personally, I'm indifferent to the whole situation. I just know that Lil' Za will probably be miz if Justin had to leave considering the fact that no one know who he is unless he is with Justin...no offense. Maybe all the beliebers will stand up for him?