While Everyone Is Worried About Tay and Ye, We're More Concerned About What GIGI HADID Is Gonna Do! Is This The End of #KenGi?!
Yes, that's right! We're calling this: WHAT WOULD GIGI DO?! But like seriously, what IS Gigi going to do? LOL. Like actually...this is obviously a super serious matter.
So, obviously on Monday shit hit the fan when Kimmy K called out Tay Switfizzle on Snapchat proving once and for all that Taylor Swift is well...what her new Wikipedia page says:
LOL. That person is a genius.
And a few people came to Taylor Swift's defense (the usual suspects Selena Gomez who literally has no other friends BUT Taylor, Chloe Grace Moretz who is like 19 so WHY? LOL and Ruby Rose, who is a new member to the "squad," we love her but like don't care.)
But besides them...THAT'S ALL FOLKS! Why? Well, because more people in Hollywood actually hate Taylor than like her. Legit. I mean the girl literally only has her "squad," but that thang changes so much because people be going in and out once they realize Tay is CRAY.
You know, I read a HILAR tweet online that said all of Taylor Swift's friends and ex boy friends should get together and write a song about Taylor and it would be like a bad rendition of "We are the World." LOLOL. AMAZE. So, true tho.
(And if you're someone who doesn't get that "We are the World" reference or like doesn't know what that is...then you clearly don't even know what GOOD music is...nor are you a Micheal Jackson fan lol. But naturally, I hyper-linked it just in case...)
But honestly, Taylor would probably respect it because SHE writes songs about people ALL the time! So, you know, she'd probably have like MAD LOVE for a song dedicated to her...
Character assassination. HA. Well I mean she's kinda right...Kimye TOTALLY assassinated her. Like she gone. AND ALSO if she wanted to "excluded" than she wouldn't be trying to make this worse by sueing Kimye. SO BULL SHIT Tay. You lying again.
Former "squad" member and now Tay hater, Zendya, along with people like Harry Styles (#formerflame), Haley Baldwin, Katy Perry, Demi Lovato, obv Calvin Harris, and more hinted at siding with Kim by liking TSwift hate media on Monday.
But people who remained quiet? Gigi and good ole British bestie, Cara Delevingne. Hmmm. OBVI both super models are friends with Taylor and were recently spotted at Taylor's forth of a July party in Rhode Island wearing matching swimsuits...
I really can't with the matching swimsuits, but I so really love the swimsuits, so this is tough for me.
And YES. People are spamming Tay's insta with the shit emoji now as opposed to the snakes which her PR team apparently cleared. LOL MIZ.
SIDE NOTE: WHO and I mean WHO makes their boyfriend (of only like a FEW freaking weeks might I add) wear a freaking "I love T. Swift," tee shirt?! Like WTF?! I'm sorry no self-respecting man would wear that t-shirt.
Like even if I was married and had like two kids and a dog, I would never make my husband, fiancee, boyfriend WHATEVER, wear a tee shirt that says I love M.E. Well, I also mainly wouldn't because if my BF is running around with initials that spell out M.E., then people can commonly mistake that for "me" and then people will think he's likeee super self centered, or gay and then we have like a boatload of other issues so that's just a whole different situation BUT you get what I mean.
BUT both models are ALSO friends with Kendall Jenner, aka the little Kardash fam member.
photo via Instagram.
Now, we love us some Cara, and even though she's friends with Taylor, she kinda does her own thang and you know, is British. So, she good. But Gigi...well Gigi is now - KENGI!!! And when you're KENGI, you gotta make sure to keep that "KEN" in your "GI," otherwise a lot of people are gonna be like SO disappointed....and we're talking all those girls who own the "Kengi" tee shirts. LOL.
But seriously, they're such a beautiful model duo...I prefer KENGI over Taylor Swift ANY day, like their basically a celebrity couple. BUT does Gigi feel the same?? Gigi has even been on the Kardashians|!! So, will she continue to hang out with BOTH super famous friends or is Taylor just like too much bad PR right?
Cause honestly, Taylor is like a PR death trap for celebrities right now. GOOD JOB SELENA. LOL.
photo via Twitter
JK THOOO. I actually reeeeally don't care because I like BELLA better anyways. Whoops.