Kim Kardashian Calls out Tswift For Being 'Famous'ly Shady About Her Involvement in Kanye's Song
THANK GOD!! I mean, it's about time someone called out Tswift for being the Kween of Shade, and I don't mean throwing shade, cause like letz be honest Taylor def isn't good at that, but I mean being a shaddddy fake betch. YUP. I am SO over Taylor playing the victim and acting like this super good girl when really its all just an act and she FAKE as fook. And if you know me...then ya'll know I hate fake bitches. Like, they're up there with those fake Chanel bags you buy on da street in China. (Like they look SOOO real but then you carry it around for a bit and finally start to get used to it and then like BOOM, you're strap breaks.) #NoThankYou.
And I gotta say, I didn't think Kim would be the one to do it, but now, I don't know...I think I have a newfound respect for her? Like, Kim calling out Tswift may have been the best thing she's ever done...and I realize this comes after Kim's recent Forbes cover naming her like the tech goddess of the world or some shiz, but I get it now. LOL.
ANYWAY, we have gathered here today for the #KimExposesTaylorParty, so let's freaking party!!

SO basically, the deal is, ever since the song "Famous" came out, which is a great song, Taylor Swift has been preaching to the heavens about her innocence LOL and telling people that she was just a freaking Bambi in the head lights and she had NOO idea about the song, and she never communicated with Kanye about it or gave him consent to use her name in the song. OKAY.
Alright, so FINE. You couldn't really argue with what she was saying tho because there was no proof. So, there was obv all this speculation about it and it just got to the point where Kanye looked like the bad guy and Kimmy K West was NOT having it. So, she did what any good wifey would do and set out to protect her hubby by proving ALL of us and TAY TAY wrong.
SOOO if you're one of the not-with-it-peoples who STILL hasn't watched the revealing ass videos with the OJ Simpson amount of evidence that Taylor DID in fact know and said SUUURE to Kanye's song lyric....
OR if you're one of those people who aren't gonna watch the videos because you're a fan of Tswift (okay...) OR if you just don't care...(dats cool tho), then HERE are some quotes from Tay and Ye's recorded telephone convo and I gotta say...Taylor sounds like SUPER thankful that Kanye called to give her the ummm "heads up." (That's one of the things she legit said in the call).
QUOTES via Buzzfeed:
Kanye raps the lyric for Taylor over da phone “For all my Southside niggas that know me best, I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex."
Taylor: “I’m like this close to overexposure.”
Kanye: “Oh well this one is, uh — I think this is a really cool thing to have.”
Taylor: “I know! I mean it’s like a compliment kind of.”
Then later...
“And you know, if people ask me about it,” Taylor says, “I think it would be great for me to be like, ‘Look, he called me and told me about the line before it came out.’ Like, joke’s on you guys, we’re fine. You guys wanna call this a feud, you wanna call this throwing shade. But right after the song comes out, I’m gonna be on a Grammy red carpet and they’re gonna ask me about it. And I’m gonna be like, ‘He called me.’“
BUT of course, we ALL know that's NOT how it went down at ALL. Taylor turned herself into the victim per usual and she denied ever talking to Kayne pre-Famous. And NOW, to be expected, Taylor is turning herself into the victim yet again saying that Kim shouldn't have recorded the phone call and that she didn't know Kanye was going to call her a 'bitch' in the song.
1. NO Kim prob shouldn't have recorded the call, but that being the first thing you're pointing just makes you look reeeal guilty as if you had something to hide like IDK shady people...
2. YES, Kanye didn't say anything about the 'bitch' line on the phone call, I'll give you that. But why are you like SO worked up over him calling you a bitch? Like this isn't high school honey. It's a word, get over it. And you looking like you care so much just makes you look like you're super super insecure. ALSO you obviously gave him consent for the SEX line sooo like I don't see how bitch is worse than that? Character assassination? You gave consent to the sex part so if being call a bitch is the assassination part, then you need to chill. Try and file a defamation suit but that didn't werk for Lindsay Lohan vs Pitbull and it ain't gonna work for you.
3. AND LASTLY YOU LIED ABOUT NOT EVEN HAVING IN INVOLVEMENT with the song...which is shady enough for me.

So, okay, okay, to be fair, this whole thing tho is just 100% A MESS. Like THIS is what has happened on social media since this morning:

I mean yeah, it might as well be a dramatic episode of Glee. LOL.
And ya Khloe may have gone likeeee a little bit toooooo far with dis pic of CGM tweeted this:
Everyone in this industry needs to get their heads out of a hole and look around to realize what's ACTUALLY happening in the REAL world
And Khloe responded with this...yikes:
Is this the a hole you're referring to @ChloeGMoretz ???

Yeah and the AWK thing is...that's like not even Chloe....WHOOPS
But ya the truth is da truth. And I don't like love Kim, but I mean COME ON PEOPLE - you either a fake bitch or a crazy bitch when you have THAT many ex-friends and ex-boyfriends who don't have ONE good word to say about you! Like, that doesn't mean you're a chill person. Means you shady.

LOL HARRY. #IAintSorry

HAHA okay, sorry sorry, how dare I even bring Beyonce into this mess. My mistake.

OH PS. NY POST did a poll - Team Kanye or Team Taylor?
Kanye is winning.
Kim Kardashian Calls out Tswift For Being 'Famous'ly Shady About Her Involvement in Kanye's Song
And I gotta say, I didn't think Kim would be the one to do it, but now, I don't know...I think I have a newfound respect for her? Like, Kim calling out Tswift may have been the best thing she's ever done...and I realize this comes after Kim's recent Forbes cover naming her like the tech goddess of the world or some shiz, but I get it now. LOL.
ANYWAY, we have gathered here today for the #KimExposesTaylorParty, so let's freaking party!!

SO basically, the deal is, ever since the song "Famous" came out, which is a great song, Taylor Swift has been preaching to the heavens about her innocence LOL and telling people that she was just a freaking Bambi in the head lights and she had NOO idea about the song, and she never communicated with Kanye about it or gave him consent to use her name in the song. OKAY.
Alright, so FINE. You couldn't really argue with what she was saying tho because there was no proof. So, there was obv all this speculation about it and it just got to the point where Kanye looked like the bad guy and Kimmy K West was NOT having it. So, she did what any good wifey would do and set out to protect her hubby by proving ALL of us and TAY TAY wrong. #YouGotServed.
SOOO if you're one of the not-with-it-peoples who STILL hasn't watched the revealing ass videos with the OJ Simpson amount of evidence that Taylor DID in fact know and said SUUURE to Kanye's song lyric.... OR if you're one of those people who aren't gonna watch the videos because you're a fan of Tswift (okay...) OR if you just don't care...(dats cool tho), then HERE are some quotes from Tay and Ye's recorded telephone convo and I gotta say...Taylor sounds like SUPER thankful that Kanye called to give her the ummm "heads up." (That's one of the things she legit said in the call).
QUOTES via Buzzfeed:
Kanye raps the lyric for Taylor over da phone “For all my Southside niggas that know me best, I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex."
Taylor: “I’m like this close to overexposure.”
Kanye: “Oh well this one is, uh — I think this is a really cool thing to have.”
Taylor: “I know! I mean it’s like a compliment kind of.”
Then later...
“And you know, if people ask me about it,” Taylor says, “I think it would be great for me to be like, ‘Look, he called me and told me about the line before it came out.’ Like, joke’s on you guys, we’re fine. You guys wanna call this a feud, you wanna call this throwing shade. But right after the song comes out, I’m gonna be on a Grammy red carpet and they’re gonna ask me about it. And I’m gonna be like, ‘He called me.’“
BUT of course, we ALL know that's NOT how it went down at ALL. Taylor turned herself into the victim per usual and she denied ever talking to Kayne pre-Famous. And NOW, to be expected, Taylor is turning herself into the victim yet again saying that Kim shouldn't have recorded the phone call and that she didn't know Kanye was going to call her a 'bitch' in the song.
1. NO Kim prob shouldn't have recorded the call, but that being the first thing you're pointing just makes you look reeeal guilty as if you had something to hide like IDK shady people...
2. YES, Kanye didn't say anything about the 'bitch' line on the phone call, I'll give you that. But why are you like SO worked up over him calling you a bitch? Like this isn't high school honey. It's a word, get over it. And you looking like you care so much just makes you look like you're super super insecure. ALSO you obviously gave him consent for the SEX line sooo like I don't see how bitch is worse than that? Character assassination? You gave consent to the sex part so if being call a bitch is the assassination part, then you need to chill. Try and file a defamation suit but that didn't werk for Lindsay Lohan vs Pitbull and it ain't gonna work for you.
3. AND LASTLY YOU LIED ABOUT NOT EVEN HAVING IN INVOLVEMENT with the song...which is shady enough for me.

So, okay, okay, to be fair, this whole thing tho is just 100% A MESS. Like THIS is what has happened on social media since this morning:

I mean yeah, it might as well be a dramatic episode of Glee. LOL.
And ya Khloe may have gone likeeee a little bit toooooo far with dis pic of CGM tweeted this:
Everyone in this industry needs to get their heads out of a hole and look around to realize what's ACTUALLY happening in the REAL world
And Khloe responded with this...yikes:
Is this the a hole you're referring to @ChloeGMoretz ???

Yeah and the AWK thing is...that's like not even Chloe....WHOOPS
But ya the truth is da truth. And I don't like love Kim, but I mean COME ON PEOPLE - you either a fake bitch or a crazy bitch when you have THAT many ex-friends and ex-boyfriends who don't have ONE good word to say about you! Like, that doesn't mean you're a chill person. Means you shady.

LOL HARRY. #IAintSorry

HAHA okay, sorry sorry, how dare I even bring Beyonce into this mess. My mistake.

OH PS. NY POST did a poll - Team Kanye or Team Taylor?
Kanye is winning.