Who's Gonna Be Da Next BACHELOR?!
Peter? Dean?? Wells?!!
I don't know about you but I'm HERE for any of these...
On Monday night, America watched as the network's first black Bachelorette, Rachel Lindsay, made the decision to give Bryan her final rose over ugh, Peter.
And while Bryan may be hot and is probs latin fire in bed LOL, there was a def a large, overall general consciences - were taking serious popular vote for salt and pepper Peter. Like, Rachel was supposed to choose Peter and the two were supposed to get married and have beautiful gap-toothed, bi racial babies and change the WORLD! UGHHHH.
But judging by how a lot of things have turned out this year...
The Election...womp.
The Superbowl...womp, womp.
And now Bryan...WOMP.
Guess we shouldn't have been that surprised? IDK!!!
But looking back on their last date?! OMFGGGG. Like, that was probably the realist breakup The Bachelor franchise has ever played out. Bachelor Nation could NOT handle their shit and neither could we. That break up was real AF. Like, they "broke up" but THEY COULDN'T STOP KISSING. And then Peter had to pull is freaking sweater off and use it as a hanky because he was crying so much!! Like HOW?!! This was some serious Titanic level, Jack telling Rose NOT to let go SHIT. It was THAT serious and THAT emotional UGH. WE ARE DRAINNNED.
Also where is the man that cries that much over me? Just a thought.
Anyway, I think it's fair to say that we're still not okay, America still isn't okay, and though Rachel chose Bryan and seems totally okay - watching THAT breakup would make me NOT OKAY if I was Bryan. Just saying.
#SAME.Rachel: cries her eyelashes off for Peter— Ryann 🖤 (@rayran17) August 8, 2017
(Still picks Bryan in the end) #TheBachelerotteFinale pic.twitter.com/I9Jgq9d0sH
And then during the Final Rose talk with Chris Harrison, Peter and Rach could BARELY look at each other it was SOO awkward like THAT'S REAL BREAK UP LOVEEE HATE!! Lol, we've all been there, you know, when your pissed at your ex so you try to supress your anger and you like "Nahh, I'm good now." That's basically what Rachel did. The emotion is soooo reaaaal it's beautiful. Lol. Like, we can all agree that Rachel and Peter's break up was probably the most difficult Final Rose/ Bach breakup we've ever watched. Like EVER. It was real AF. Seriously, #SMH (and I never say that).
Literally ALL of US during Rachel and Peter's break up...
But I guess, gotta be happy that Rachel is happy. Despite the like hurricane force winds during Bryan's proposal, which I'm pretty sure was the universe being like NAH. Literally, the wind was out of control. I'd like to think it was tropical storm Peter trying to ruin the day...
But because we love Rachel so much we're just hoping that Bryan and Rachel do work out and they don't end up like Andi and Josh - aka an all lust and no real love, six months tops relationship. Ugh.
But because we love Rachel so much we're just hoping that Bryan and Rachel do work out and they don't end up like Andi and Josh - aka an all lust and no real love, six months tops relationship. Ugh.
Oy. This finale was a lot. And honestly, the only highlight of the finale for me was Rachel's dress. It was BOMB. Prob the best finale dress of all the Bachelorette seasons. Loved it. Girl knows how to rock the sequin slit situation. So, AMEN to that at least.
Annnywaaay, Rachel has chosen marking the end to another season of The Bachelorette, and with Paradise along the beachy horizon - we can't help but wonder: WHO'S GONNA BE DA NEXT BACH?!
So, with our super thorough years of Bachelor obsessing and over analyzing - we're gonna break down who is possibly in line to hand out of the roses on the next season of The Bachelor.
So, now that we know Peter is def still single and back home, most of us were thinking that Peter would most likely become the next Bach since he has already won the country's heart right? Well, that remains to be seen. I was all down for Peter to become the next Bach, but the more I think about it, the more I don't like the idea of 25 girls sucking face with Peter unless one of those 25 girls is me. HAHA. Call me crazy, but you're thinking the EXACT same thing. We ALL want Peter to ourselves. Slash, even if he did do the show, he'd kinda be a huge hypocrite since he said he wasn't ready to propose to Rach after what was essentially "three dates." This meaning he shouldn't be ready to do the whole Bach thing again anytime soon. So, in the mean time, who else is booking a trip to Wisconsin? Show of hands.
On the Monday night finale of The Bachelorette, they didn't announce who the next Bachelor was going to be WHY? Well, because they're going to wait to see what guy comes out on top aka the fan favorite dude from Paradise...kinda like they did with Nick Viall last year, even though, I think it's safe to safe that Nick being the Bach back fired on ALL of us LOL. But one person who could come out of paradise single and ready to mingle on the Bach could be Dean. Now, even though Dean already told E! that he didn't think he was ready to be the next Bachelor (cause he's super young and actually doesn't like all the attention), Paradise may change his mind. Especially, if he doesn't find anyone. Low key praying he doesn't. Okay, not even low key like LEGIT praying he doesn't. Again, want him to myself.
LOL. Love him. Likeeee dead. (And he apparently photoshopped WHABOOM out of this pic also, so we just love him even more.)
Next Bach Possibilities
So, now that we know Peter is def still single and back home, most of us were thinking that Peter would most likely become the next Bach since he has already won the country's heart right? Well, that remains to be seen. I was all down for Peter to become the next Bach, but the more I think about it, the more I don't like the idea of 25 girls sucking face with Peter unless one of those 25 girls is me. HAHA. Call me crazy, but you're thinking the EXACT same thing. We ALL want Peter to ourselves. Slash, even if he did do the show, he'd kinda be a huge hypocrite since he said he wasn't ready to propose to Rach after what was essentially "three dates." This meaning he shouldn't be ready to do the whole Bach thing again anytime soon. So, in the mean time, who else is booking a trip to Wisconsin? Show of hands.
On the Monday night finale of The Bachelorette, they didn't announce who the next Bachelor was going to be WHY? Well, because they're going to wait to see what guy comes out on top aka the fan favorite dude from Paradise...kinda like they did with Nick Viall last year, even though, I think it's safe to safe that Nick being the Bach back fired on ALL of us LOL. But one person who could come out of paradise single and ready to mingle on the Bach could be Dean. Now, even though Dean already told E! that he didn't think he was ready to be the next Bachelor (cause he's super young and actually doesn't like all the attention), Paradise may change his mind. Especially, if he doesn't find anyone. Low key praying he doesn't. Okay, not even low key like LEGIT praying he doesn't. Again, want him to myself.
LOL. Love him. Likeeee dead. (And he apparently photoshopped WHABOOM out of this pic also, so we just love him even more.)
So, during Rachel's season, Eric was a little immature. Like, even though he was 28 or 29, I literally thought of him as a high school kid on the varsity football team? Or JK basketball. Anyway, point is - the boy was DEF not ready to marry Rachel. He needs to date more and mature a little bit BUT, when Eric came out to meet Rachel on The Final Rose, he looked ten times more mature with his new #revengebeard and shit. Not to mention, he took the split with Rachel like SUPER well. It was really cute. Lookinn good boiii.
No word if he'll show up on Paradise, but if he does or even doesn't, he would maybe be a good Bach. That is, if America can even handle two black Bachelor shows back to back LOL. But even if American isn't ready, Donnie Wahlberg is. And to me, this says a lot.
Seriously Peter?!?! Oh well.— Donnie Wahlberg (@DonnieWahlberg) August 8, 2017
Erick for next #Bachelor.
Best wishes to Bryan & Rachel!
We're on to #BachelorInParadise!#TheBachelorette https://t.co/5t1Oa6ITY9
I feel like people forget about Alex. Personally, I always thought he was hot. Like kind of a meat head and wasn't super into the man bun BUT he has a great face...and okay, actually, really great hair. Alex made it pretty far in Rachel's season and when asked on Good Morning America, who they thought would make the best Bachelor for the next season, Rachel and Bryan actually said Alex. GAME CHANGER.
Plus Alex is good friends with Dean soo I'm into it.
OMGGG! Everyone's favorite Nashville radio host from Jojo's season is BACK! And by back I mean, from previews, it looks like Wells will be returning to Paradise for more drama this season. Woot woot! And while, it'd be nice if Wells like "found love" in what I believe Rihanna truly meant as a the definition of a hopeless place LOL, if he comes out of this thang single, I think there is a good chance that Wells could be the next Bach because I mean who doesn't Wells?! I'll be a Wells lover 'til then end that's for sure. I mean if not Luke, then DEF Wells.