Beyonce's Dad Comes Out And Says: "Divorce Rumors Were A Jeti Mind Trick To Sell Tickets!" GASPP. Well, Is Bey's Baby Bliss The New Rumor In Town? Hmm...
Deep breath andddd GASP. That's right, Beyonce's estranged father says that Bey and Jay divorce rumors were just a HOAX to help boost ticket sales for their On The Run Tour. Hmm. I mean, we all know that there were mad crazy divorce rumors going around about the couple this summer, but whether they were true or not... I don't think we will ever know. While I do think it is safe to assume that the couple were having some persona issues...hints back to the whole Solange-MET-Gala-elevator-debacle...I do NOT think that they created their divorce rumors as a ploy to help ticket sales. I mean lets be real for a second here, since when do either Bey or Jay need to boost ticket sales for anything? They don't. Anything they do together or separately is gonna sell out within seconds. If they sold tickets to watch Bey walk Blue down the street and into their ultra private NYC penthouse pad, they would sell out it seconds. If Jay sold tickets to watch Beyonce wake up in the morning and let the public observe the fact that she is indeed FLAWLESS every second of the day, even when she wakes up, those tickets would sell out before you could even SAY "flawless.
photo via
Anyways, excuse Beyone's dad, but it looks like the couple is doing well currently! Apart from recent pictures on instagram of the couple on vacation/ Made In America and looking super happy and swag, Jay Z may have dropped some news during their last On The Run Performance in France over the weekend.

On September 14th and the Stade de France in Paris, Jay changed the line in the song "Beach is Better" from "I replace it with another" to "pregnant with another," which obviously sent everyone in the world on a social media rumor frenzy. SOO ARE THEY PREGNANT?!!! Or are they not? Well, we may not know if Bey is about to have another diva baby, but Jay did drop another ball at the concert and told the audience that they power couple loves Paris because not only did they get engaged in the city, baby Blue was apparently concieved in the city as well. GASPP againn! Aww. I mean that's the life I wanna be living. Is it too much to ask to be Bey and Jay's new baby?!!! Ugh, whatever. I'll still be happy for them when the new is official. Jealous - but, happy.

Photos via @officials_c_ and @beyonce