SPOILER ALERT: Lindsay Lohan Reveals On The Season Finale of Her " Reality Show" That She Had A Miscarriage...
Well, this is news. I personally do not watch Lindsay's new reality show on Oprah's OWN, but I have heard that its somewhat entertaining. And by entertaining I mean, people love watching the train wreck that is LL. I mean, LL being a tad on the loopy side isn't really news to anyone, but her reality show just puts it ALL out there where she has break downs, and freak outs, and cries, cries, cries. #TeenageDramaQueen OH wait, too bad she's like almost 30. JK!!
So, if you happen to be like an avid fan of the show...(I'd be like wait - really?), I'm sorry I ruined the special ending for ya. In a recent E! Online article, Lindsay admits that no one knew about the whole miscarriage thing and that it was something that was really taking a toll on her...as expected. Although, of course, there is no mention of who the father was or could have been. Which brings me to my next thing -- let's take it back to the umm big reveal of Lindsay's SEX LIST. Oh yeah. That was juicy shizz.
Lindsay's sex list came out about a month ago, where we all found out who the actress had slept with...and let's be real, everyone on that list we totally expected. Like, you were shocked when the list came out, but then you weren't shocked when you read it. I mean I was just going through each line like obv, obv, obv, OH OBV. Like, totally not shocked...
Apart from the miscarriage news, Lindsay also sat down and addressed the sexxxy list matter. Lindsay's sex list was sprawled out on the cover of In Touch Magazine. The list featured 36 Hollywood lovass. (Solid number). Lindsay, like anyone else said that the list coming out was of course, embarrassing, yet she says she pities the person who did release the list and that they are desperate. I mean, well sure, but $$$$$. That person made bank.

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Lindsay further explains that during her time in rehab at the Betty Ford center, she had to make a list of all the people she had umm been with, because it just so happens to be one of the steps in the 12 step program. The concept of the "sexual inventory" is a step in the process of recuperating. (That's probably something we should all do.) She explains that she had made the list for her sponsor at the time. SOO, how did the list get out? Who knows, but if it was her sponsor...that's likeee kinda miz not to mention f@*ked UP.
Well, we can all only hope that Lindsay gets back to normal, but I feel as though we have been hoping that for awhile now...hmm. Will there be a season 2 of her show? I feel like that's debatable, but maybe in this down time, she can work on getting her shiz together. Hey, I stick by LL every since the rivalry days of her and Hilary Duff, LOL. Classic. Team Lindzz fo sho.