Welp, The Biebs Has Left The Building...And Got Himself Arrested...#smooth #WelcomeToMiami

Check out da smug mug. (photo via. E! News)
DUI and drag racing? That sounds like a deadly combination. Well, Justin Bieber being the now troubled teen that he is, going through this AWK mid-teenage-celebrity-child-star-life-crisis, decided to take a little joy ride through the streets of Miami early this morning in his bright, yellow Lamboo. #Ballin? Well, Justin apparently thought that he was going to be featured in the upcoming Fast 7 movie when he decided to 'drag race' through the streets of Miami, which led to him getting arrested. Even more baller. Justin was arrested around 4 am this morning, and not only was he speedinn in his rented whip (yes, rented), he also failed a sobriety test - oops. Justin was reportedly racing rapper Khalil who posted an insta of Justin sitting in the passenger seat of his yellow car while a woman was driving.

Check out da smug mug. (photo via. E! News)
DUI and drag racing? That sounds like a deadly combination. Well, Justin Bieber being the now troubled teen that he is, going through this AWK mid-teenage-celebrity-child-star-life-crisis, decided to take a little joy ride through the streets of Miami early this morning in his bright, yellow Lamboo. #Ballin? Well, Justin apparently thought that he was going to be featured in the upcoming Fast 7 movie when he decided to 'drag race' through the streets of Miami, which led to him getting arrested. Even more baller. Justin was arrested around 4 am this morning, and not only was he speedinn in his rented whip (yes, rented), he also failed a sobriety test - oops. Justin was reportedly racing rapper Khalil who posted an insta of Justin sitting in the passenger seat of his yellow car while a woman was driving.
Click to Watch TMZ's Video of the arrest.
The woman is now identified as "model" Chantel Jerfferies who looks shadily like the new blond Kim Kardash . (Yeah, I've never heard of this Chantel either, but she seems a tad slooty if you ask me). While the insta shows Chantel driving, police have said that when the arrest was made, Justin was indeed in the drivers seat. He was OBV just letting his new boo take a spin...plus Khalil being the wise rapper that he is, also posted another insta of both him and Justin standing in front of their cars before the so called, um, race. OHH Justin. What ARE we to do with you??? DO you WANT to be deported?! He currently resides in Miami Dade County Jail where is bail is set at $500. Apparently Justin will not go before the court because his infraction is just a traffic violation...interesting. Hey Justin, stick to your day job. No one is excited for a Fast 8 movie featuring you and this Khalil person...sorry. Nice car doe.
The woman is now identified as "model" Chantel Jerfferies who looks shadily like the new blond Kim Kardash . (Yeah, I've never heard of this Chantel either, but she seems a tad slooty if you ask me). While the insta shows Chantel driving, police have said that when the arrest was made, Justin was indeed in the drivers seat. He was OBV just letting his new boo take a spin...plus Khalil being the wise rapper that he is, also posted another insta of both him and Justin standing in front of their cars before the so called, um, race. OHH Justin. What ARE we to do with you??? DO you WANT to be deported?! He currently resides in Miami Dade County Jail where is bail is set at $500. Apparently Justin will not go before the court because his infraction is just a traffic violation...interesting. Hey Justin, stick to your day job. No one is excited for a Fast 8 movie featuring you and this Khalil person...sorry. Nice car doe.
Justin and pal, aka drag rival Khalil. "Allow taa Introoo duce ma selfffff - my name is BIEBS."
The ride along bitch....I mean hot bod, but WHO ARE U??
KIM?!! Oh, Sorry. I won't tell Kanye doe...
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