ALL The Reasons Why EVERY (and I mean EVERY) Girl And Just Every Person NEEDS To Watch Lemonade...Like Now.
If you weren't spending your weekend honoring Prince by watching MAD Prince videos, OR geeking out over the premiere of Lemonade, and then FREAKING OUT after watching Lemonade, then I think it's safe to say that you didn't have a good weekend and I probably don't want to talk to you...for several reasons.
Fair enough.
So, by now, I am assuming most people have either seen or heard about what Lemonade is about. And I have to say, and this is Beyonce love biases aside, lol, from an artist standpoint, Lemonade is one of the most inthralling, captivating, visually conceptual pieces of art I have seen in really long time.
Hell, if we're gonna go ahead and put it in the film category, it's the best film I've seen ALL year. Seriously. And if you know know I watch a lot of shit. LOL. Like, I watch everything, I've seen everything and Beyonce's innovation and just everything that goes into this video from the strong, candid personal narrative to the genius musical lyrics, it's beyond artist perfection.
SO, to break it down further for you peeps: Here are MY reasons aka ALL the reasons why you should watch "Lemonade" in no particular order just literally as my train of thought goes. LOL.
"What a wicked way to treat the girl that loves you."

This video is just stunning. The visuals are incredible. That's not even a fair enough word to justify the cinematography and the art direction for this film. Some of my favorite visuals are Bey swimming/drowning in the old, Southern mansion, Bey driving over small vehicles and just CRUSHING them with her monster truck, ALL the New Orleans shots, Beyoncé laying in all white on an empty Saints field , and ALL the fire. LOVE the fire. The fire is just everywhere and I love it.

So for all those people who were pissed that Beyonce just stood in the corner of the elevator in 2014 when Solange attacked Jay after the MET Ball and didn't really do anything...well for all THOSE people, Lemonade is basically her long-waited response. You wanted some action from the Queen. Took two years, but you got it.
Lemonade is probably the greatest "Fuck You" revenge whatever you want to call it piece of art ever created...ever.
"You ain't married to some average bitch boy."

I MEAN RIGHT?!! The video is essentially the stages of emotion Bey felt while dealing with martial issues with Jay Z. Did he 100% cheat? Yes. Was Bey pissed? Livid. Was Lemonade the artistically genius outcome? YUP. The video is broken up into the stages of Bey's grief and acceptance of the truth and her love for her husband.
"So what are you gonna say at my funeral now that you've killed me?"
Intuition. Denial. Anger. Apathy. Accountability. Reformation. Forgiveness. Hope. Redemption.
"What's worse being crazy or jealous?" Both.

We see Bey dealing with insecurities, venerability, a side we of course never really see, and then how she goes from "jealous or crazy" bitch to love and acceptance. So, WHY is all of this amazing? Well because clearly Jay cheated and clearly they have been working to move forward, which I'm pretty sure took form in the shape of the Mrs. Carter Tour, BUT it also just shows that whether you're the Queen or not, life sucks for everyone. Shit happens and you gotta muddle through. #SLAY. Yes.

I mean this video, as they say, is a love letter to black women. Beyoncé stands up for herself but she also stands up for black women, and just women everywhere in general. We all have had a "Becky," so call UP your BF and do what you gotta do.
"If you try this shit again you'll lose a wife."

"She walked in the club wearing six inch heels like its nobody's business. Hot damn. She murders everyone and I was her witness."
YESSSS. My new fav lyrics for LIFE right there AND they feature the smooth talker himself, Le Weekend. But he's not the only surprise guest/collaboration...

I mean, well, this is a give in. But all the songs are just AMAZING. The evolution is just SO real. Bey goes from crazy hip hop, to rock and roll, to acoustic ballads, which literally blow your mind away towards the end OBV...
THERE'S even a kinda COUNTRY SONG that has a New Orleans Jazz flare that's just amazing.
"Daddy Lessons." LOVE IT.
There are a lot personal home videos with Bey and her father, Bey and Baby Blue, Bey and Jay , and Jay's grandmother...who as we learn is the inspiration for the album title.
"I served lemons and then I made lemonade."
And of course I love, ALL THE REAL COUPLES IN NOLA AND BEYONCÉ'S HOME VIDEOS WITH JAY AND BLUE ARE THE BEST THING the wedding footage we've never seen?!! Die. Jay Z and blue rolling around on the Saints football field playing catch?!!! DEAD.
So amazing. No more words.
I mean, dare I make a joke and say that everything is literally FLAWLESS. I LOVE love love all the old, southern belle shots with the black women in all the white gowns, everything from the Zulu Mardi Gras costumes, to Beyonce's now infamous yellow-bat-smashing-dress. In one scene she switches out her platform heels for Converse and it's just amazing. I mean, damn straight you need comfortable shoes when smashing shit. We feel you Bey.

And the lastly, le hair and makeup. UGH. Everything was just to the TEE. I am a littttle biases because I have recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Sir John Barnett, Bey's makeup man, and his work is just everything. Bey looks nothing short of #flawless in the whole hour.


If you have NOT seen "Lemonade," I'll forgive you if you go NOW.
If I could give Lemonade legit film awards, I would give it to Bey for cinematography, art direction, costumes, over all conception if that was a thing, and obviously, original musical score. Like ALL the awards. Every one.
BOTTON LINE is, this truly and exceptional piece of art work that literally, everyone, and I mean everyone NEEDS to see.
This is greatness.

And greatness was defined by Prince.

(Sorry, I had just bring it back for a second, lol).
"I'm keep on running cause a winner don't quit in themselves."
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