Thursday, June 23, 2016

Ben and Lauren - Happily Ever After?

Just When You Thought Ben and Lauren Couldn't Get Anymore BACH Basic...

Just when you thought Ben and Lauren couldn't get anymore BACH basic...they're coming BACK to basic cable!! WHOOHOO!! Lolz.

That's right. For those of you who didn't get their Ben Higgins fix during the Bachelor's 20th season, you'll be able to enjoy more of him and his basic batch relationship with his season winner and now apparent fiancée, Lauren B! 

The show, titled "Ben and Lauren: Happily Ever After," which is set to air in October on our new favorite channel,Freeform (LOL), will follow the Bachelor love birds as they plan their pending nuptials (IF they make it to marriage, super risky ABC haha), and apparently Ben's budding political career? 


Ben in politics?! Trust me, I know what you're ALL thinking because I'm thinking the same thing - there is NO way in hell that Ben could be a successful politician. Why? Well because the poor guy is like WAAAY to NICE, and like way to ethnically moral. LOL. I mean who breaks down and tells two girls that they love them just to make the one who is DEF going home feel better?! 

LOL. Its okay though, it worked out for the best for Jojo. But STILL, Ben is not politics material. He may look good in a suit, which I mean YUP he does, but that's about it. Maybe he could be like the mayor of  his super small town tho? That'd be cute. But I am sensing that's as far as he could go. He can't really play dirty. Neither can Lauren B, who apparently, according to Entertainment Weekly, will be focusing on "molding her identity" on the reality show. 

UMM WHAT?? Excuseeee me??

What does that mean?! I'll tell you what it means, it means girl has def quit being a flight attendant to do this show and galavant into the sunset with Ben and now she has no real career and will probably use this TV platform to become like a fashion blogger or something...basic. LOL. 

The flight attendant facade. We see RIGHT through you're little game Lauren. 


UGH. I think I would rather watch Juan Pablo's Bachelor season on repeat than watch this show....

Like WHO IS YOU?! #IssOkay

LOL JK JK! I wouldn't wish that on anyone. It's too bad most of us actually sat through that awful season. But the one great thing did come out of that season: Andi Dorfman.  Duh. 


But in all seriousness, I will probably watch the show no matter how boring Ben and Lauren are together. Why? Cause clearly I have a thing for watching Bachelor-related TV series. This show is basically if "Bachelor in Paradise" and Ben and Lauren's instagram had a baby...that's litttttterally what this is. 

Who's reeeady for MORE of THIS?!!!

And if I am gonna watch THAT, I'd honestly rather watch a show centered around Sean and Catherine! 


I mean HELLOO they're a LEGIT happily married Bach couple, AND they have a baby on the way! Plus they're like SUPER entertaining and way more fun. Anyone else wanna get that show up and running with me?? Like, I'll help produce it I don't care. LOL. 

Likeeee WAY more fun. 

It's a damn shame that I love weddings though, so I am curious to see how Lauren is gonna plan hers...damn it. #TheBachelorForever. 

Yup, there is Andi. There sure is. 
I'm pretty sure I'll be team Andi forever. 

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