Oops, Cara Public Make Out Round 2 - Cara and Michelle Rodriguez Get A Lil' SloPpY a la Knicks Game

Photo via The Huffingtong Post.
People obviously attend basketball games for the basketball...but, at the recent Knicks game on Tuesday night, the people who were in attendance got another full on court side show. The infamous Cara Delavingne and "Lost" actress, Michelle Rodriguez, got a littleee court side sloppy at the game. Their drunk banter lead to constant selfies, cuddling...and eventurally some standard making out. Casual. The two were also smoking E-cigarettes inside the stadium, puffing and blowing smoke along the side lines. While both gals were wasty-facey, Rodriguez was reported basically what I like to call "blackout passout"...seeing as though she passed out on Cara's shoulder at one point and Cara being the good friend that she is...took her draaank away. The previous night Cara attended anothaa bball game with bestie Ri Ri after having spent a crazy NYE with her. Oh, Cara. Girl gets around. Rodriguez has previously stated that she is NOT gay, but has no prob hooking up with women --fair enough. SO, maybe Cara feels da same way? But, whether Cara is gay, straight, or bi-sexual...the girl is always having a great God damn time. Welp, as they say in Londontown - Cheers to you Cara!
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