Tuesday, February 11, 2014

‘The Wolf Of Albuquerque’

ALL HAIL "The Wolf of Albuquerque " : This mashup of Breaking Bad with the Wolf of Wall Street Trailer is SO EPIC I can't. #winning #suuure

SOO for those who HAVEN'T seen the Wolf of Wall Street trailer (which would a crime), then you should go check it out either on my December WofWS post OR just on You Tube. When you're done with that -watch this. I mean, this shit bananas. I love it SO much. Too much. Talk about anything BUT miz. 

Breaking Bad anything + Wolf of Wall Street = just epic-ness. Legendary show meets unreal movie. So perfect. Good work Ivan Burgueno. Two thumbs up. 

I mean, as soon as it's over - you're about to watch it again...

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