Monday, September 22, 2014

Annnd The Kardashian Jenner Klan Is SPLIT

Annnd The Kardashian Jenner Klan Is Officially SPLIT: Kris (I guess Kardashian NOT Jenner) Files For Divorce From Husband Bruce...But AS The ONLY Minor Left In the "Klan"- I'm Worried About Kylie...

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Welp, we knew it was coming...OR did we? For the past 11 months, Kris and Bruce...Jenner have been separated. But, if you're one of those loyal Kardash Klan fans who still watches the show, then you know that Kris and Bruce have been likeee not really "separated." They're likee BEST friends! Even though Bruce moved out to his new Malibu bachelor pad and has been hanging ten with the boys of the Jenner clan aka Brody and Brandon, Kris is like always over there and then Bruce casually waltzes over to the Kardash mansion just to eat some food! Because as we learned in one episode from Kris, she basically still has to feed Bruce because he never has food at his house! Lol. Oh Bruce.

"I would rather have him in my life as a friend than not in my life at all" -- Kris Jenner. 

Anyways, as much as we wanted the parents of like ten plus kids to just come to their senses and admit that they may have needed some time apart, but are still in love with each other, sadly after 23 yrs of marriage, on September 22nd - Kris did the unthinkable and filed for divorce from the Jenner side of the fam citing "irreconcilable differences" for the papers. So, there we have it. The Kardashians and the Jenners are now split YO.  Though the two very friendly parents decided to split joint custody of daughter Kylie (who I know is ONLY 17 and is still NOT considered an adult when I'm pretty sure she's like waaaay more mature and cooler than I am...), do we know how much this actually going to affect the show?!! Hmm.

photos via @kyliejenner
Kyliezz is starting to look juuuust LIKE her #WCW insta...hmm I just love how they love 
black people tho...

We saw last season how poor (but gorgeous) Kendall and Kylie had to split time between their mom and dad. I guess luckily Kendall is constantly jet setting off to NYC, Paris, Milan, London, etc. I guess she's never at that leaves Kylie to deal with it. But, like will this mean Kylie is going to be thrown between the LA mansion and the Malibu mansion?! Maybe she'll pull a Kendall and when she turns 18 ask for her own house! Yeah, because we all knew that was pretty reasonable. But I guess we gotta remember, the Kardashian/Jenner klan is reality-tv-show-loaded. Back in 2013 when Bruce and Kris first announced their split, reported that if the two were to split, they would be looking at a $125 million dollar divorce. #Yikes. Though we don't know the exact estimate of much the divorce would be worth the main controversy is how much money is Bruce entitled too? Hmm. also reported that there is no pre-nup. Again yikes. In the words of Kanye, pre-nup is:"something that ya need to have cause when she leaves YO ass she's gonna leave wit HALF!" #GoldDigger. #WeKnowKimAndKayneDEFHaveAPreNup. #KayneIsWorthMore. #100millionmore.

I mean Kayne and Kim have been married longer than 72 days...right? So, this is considered a successful marriage already! 

But, in all seriousness - I am interested to see how the next season, if there is a next season, will flow. Will Kim and Kanye have a house and get to move out from underneath moma Kris' shadow?!! Will Bruce finally learn how to surf or maybe even play the guitar after hanging out with Brandon and Leah waaay to much?! Will Kourtney have her new baby and will it be a boy or girl?! Will Scott find a real job?! Will Khloe find a new man?! Will Kendall be EVERYWHERE?! Will Kylie become even cooler and will Kris really and truely be dating Ben Flanjnik from the Bachelor?!!!!!!! forgot about that didn't you?

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Yup. You forgot about ALL of that. L.O.L. 

Ugh, aw man. I'm gonna miss Bruce's helicopters.

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