Monday, January 19, 2015

2015 Oscar Predictions and SNUBSS AHH

Our 2015 Oscar Winner Predictions And The SNUBS We're Lowkey (But Not So Lowkey) Super Ticked OFF About...

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SO, the 2015 Oscar noms came out last week and I gotta say, I was a little less than pleased.  Anyone who knows me knows I love the Oscars, like I love them. We're talking throw a gold dress on me and paint me gold and I'll go on stage and be the Oscar myself. NBD. So, before we start praising the greats for their 2014 acting greatness, lets get to the snubs that were are trying to figure out like...WHY they were snubbed.

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 Angie and Louis. <3

Okay, so first up we have the highly anticipated Angelia directed film that turned out not be so fab, and ended up being like kinda miz, Unbroken. Okay, okay, so we're not to but hurt about Unbroken being snubbed. The movie that is beautiful and has some hot actors in it, turned out to be not as great as the fact I think people came to the unanimous decision that Angie tried, but the movie Unborken just couldn't live up to the expectations of the best selling book. In fact, nothing against Angie, but it seems that really no one could make a movie that would live up to the greatness of the book. So, good try Angie. You know what they say,  just try, try again! I believe me...I she def will.  I mean she's a Dame for heaven's sake!

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Next up - THE LEGO MOVIE. OH. MY. GOD. I gotta I was a little outraged about this one. I mean this movie, was not only AMAZING, it was the #1 animated feature this year!! Well...that is until Big Hero 6 came out later. But that's not the point! The Lego Movie not only had an UNREAL cast, it was incredibly funny, mainly because it was filled with hilarious sarcastic one liners that little kids DEF didn't understand, and on top of all of that it was a SUPER creative movie - I MEAN THE KRAGLE?!! UGH. Hilarious shiz. The movie's main message was also about inspiring kids to be more creative and not being afraid to take chances, build things, and create!! Like WHY isn't that something you wanna recognize?!! This movie was by far the front runner for the Oscar race and the Academy didn't even nominate it. UGH. SO rude. HUGE snub. Not over it. I have a feeling I don't think the Academy thought it was "weird" or "artsy" enough like the other movies nominated, but I think snubbing it completely is a huge mistake. HUGE. As Entertainment Weekly said: "Everything in this movie is AWESOME."

So what animated film may take home the title: PROB How to Train Your Dragon 2. Why? Ugh, cause it won the Golden Globe. And we'll see who wins the SAG this Sunday.

Best Animated Feature Film
“Big Hero 6″
“The Boxtrolls”
“How to Train Your Dragon 2″
“Song of the Sea”
“The Tale of the Princess Kaguya”

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 David Oyelowo as MLK and the like simply gorgeous girl who plays Coretta...ugh.

Next Up - SELMA. Oh boy. I mean, I wanna say don't even get me started on this, but it's to late because I already have. So, since the Academy, the 93% white and 76% male Academy, choose NOT to recognize SELMA is the biggest categories of Best Actor (Davis Oyelowo) and Best Director (Ava DuVernay) ...WHICH they could have made HISTORY for by nominated the first African American female director for an Oscar, the Academy is now suffering the repercussions as people are now  calling this one of the "whitest" Oscars in YEARS, expressing the fact that there is just NO diversity what so ever. The only person who I know is more upset than myself, and all the other people who feel the same way and have been criticizing the Academy ALL 100% Oprah. Oh boy. OH, and Brad Pitt who was also a producer of the film.  They're def pissed. To quote the Increidbles: "I'm not happy Bob." Def not happy about this snub. But, I'm pretty sure I'm not alone. PS. Selma is amazing. GO see it today! HAPPY MLK!

So, it looks like the best thing about the Oscars this year may be Neil Patrick Harris. LOL. JK. Though there were some not happy snubs, here are my predictions for the winnas of the BIG awards - letzz GO!

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Best Picture
“American Sniper”
“The Grand Budapest Hotel”

“The Imitation Game”
“The Theory of Everything”


Alright, I LIT don't know. First of all, the ones I have highlighted I feel should be the only ones nominated. The choice is between these five. But because the Academy has been so unpredictable this year, I think they wanna surprise everyone with NOT Boyhood. So yeah, Boyhood is slated to win and I totally back that up, then again, Birdman, Budapest, Selma, Theory, AHHHH!! Tough crowd. I think this is just gonna be big surprise for everyone. 

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Best Actor
Steve Carell, “Foxcatcher”
Bradley Cooper, “American Sniper”
Benedict Cumberbatch, “The Imitation Game”
Michael Keaton, “Birdman”
Eddie Redmayne, “The Theory of Everything”

If you know me, you know how I feel about the Theory of Everything...Eddie's performance is sensational. Just the physical component, the way he had to contort his body, mentality delving into the mind of Stephen Hawking...he loses himself. You forget it's Eddie you're watching. His performance is just, unreal. Hawking said it was like watching himself. If Eddie doesn't win...literally screw the Academy. Sorry, but true.

Best Actress
Marion Cotillard, “Two Days, One Night”
Felicity Jones, “The Theory of Everything”
Julianne Moore, “Still Alice”
Rosamund Pike, “Gone Girl”
Reese Witherspoon, “Wild”

So, I'm going with Julianne for this one because that's the word of the street. I have only seen Rosamund and Felicity (who are both great), but I am dying to see Still Alice, like Eddie Julianne apparently loses herself in this role and it's outstanding. 

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Best Supporting Actor
Robert Duvall, “The Judge”
Ethan Hawke, “Boyhood”
Edward Norton, “Birdman”
Mark Ruffalo, “Foxcatcher”
J.K. Simmons, “Whiplash”

This one is tough because I am an Edward Norton fan and he is in both Birdman and Grand Budapest, both of which received 9 nominations ahh! But, I also loved Ethan Hawke in Boyhood. Ugh, I don't know. I am gonna with Ethan tho. 

Best Supporting Actress
Patricia Arquette, “Boyhood”
Laura Dern, “Wild”
Keira Knightley, “The Imitation Game”
Emma Stone, “Birdman”
Meryl Streep, “Into the Woods”

Process of elimination for this one. Let's see, not Keira, cause just no. Not Emma Stone, cause no. Love them both, but no. Merly, she's a vet, but not for Into The Woods. Laura Dern...maybe. Buuut, gonna give it to Patricia. We'll just see.

Best Director
Alejandro González Iñárritu, “Birdman”
Richard Linklater, “Boyhood”
Bennett Miller, “Foxcatcher”
Wes Anderson, “The Grand Budapest Hotel”
Morten Tyldum, “The Imitation Game”

So, everyone, and I think also that Boyhood is gonna take this one for the whole 12 year filming stick highlight the natural process of aging, which was just awesome to watch. But, since the Academy is in the mood to surprise us this year...I wouldn't be surprised also is this went to Wes Anderson for Budapest...which is also incredible. Toss UP.

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